Getting braces is an extremely exciting time but adjusting to the changes associated with wearing your appliance can be difficult. Braces are only effective when you care for them properly, which means some types of food should be avoided throughout the duration of your treatment. This will help you achieve the best results in the shortest time possible.

What if I eat the wrong foods?

Eating the wrong foods can cause some discomfort and put you at risk of breaking your brackets or wires which will require unscheduled trips to your orthodontist and may increase your treatment time.

Additionally, if you frequently eat foods that can get stuck in your braces or are high in sugar content you will create an environment that encourages plaque and bacteria to thrive which may cause lasting damage to your teeth.

Foods to eat with braces

The best foods to eat with braces are low in sugar and do not require excessive chewing. This includes…

  • Bread
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Soup
  • Cheese
  • Pancakes
  • Puddings
  • Rice
  • Pasta

Foods for first week of braces

It’s normal to feel some discomfort during the first week of getting braces as your mouth adjusts to the new appliance. During this time, you should eat soft foods such as yoghurt, boiled vegetables, stewed fruit and thin soups to avoid putting additional pressure on your brackets.

Foods to avoid with braces

Anyone who wears fixed braces should avoid excessive snacking and should aim to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Foods to avoid with braces include…

  • Chewy foods such as hard rolls and liquorice
  • Crunchy foods such as chips and popcorn
  • Sticky foods such as caramel, bubble gum and snickers
  • Hard food such as nuts and pretzels
  • Sugary foods such as lollies
  • Foods that you need to bite into forcefully such as apples, raw carrots and corn

Can you eat chocolate?

Yes, you can eat chocolate with braces. However, this must be done in moderation, due to the high sugar content of chocolate. When you can, try to reach for dark chocolate, instead of milk chocolate varieties.

Can you eat pizza?

Pizza lovers can still enjoy their favourite food. But they should be careful when eating the crust because it requires a lot of chewing which is not good for your braces.

Can you eat chips?

Whether you like hot potato chips or thin crisps from the packet, you don’t have to give up chips when you get braces.

Can you eat with wax on your braces?

Orthodontic wax is non-toxic and safe for consumption. It’s made for you to put in your mouth so you can definitely eat while it is applied.

Considerations for eating with braces

Regardless of what types of foods you eat with braces, it is important to keep the crevices between the teeth and around the braces very clean. That means brushing and flossing after meals to prevent the build-up of plaque and decay. Not only can failing to do so damage the teeth and gums, but it can also cause discolouration which can last a lifetime.

If you’re wanting to ensure the best results from your orthodontic treatment it is very important that you follow the advice about safe foods for braces that is set out above and ask your orthodontist if you have any questions about your specific treatment.




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